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How Good Relationships Can Lead to Better Health

Writer's picture: Jisu Kim Jisu Kim

Updated: Feb 24, 2021

This past year has emphasized the necessity of social interactions, our longing for in-person hangouts, and the critical impact relationships have on both our mental health and wellbeing. While spending my final semester of senior year Zoom-ing at home, I find myself reminiscing on the glorious days before the pandemic. The memories of countless birthday surprises in dorm rooms and game nights crammed in mini study halls leave me with bitter-sweet sentiment. I’ll recall the years when my friends and I frantically rushed to visit every touristy venue in San Francisco during the "Weekender", a classic USC tradition. Or feel nostalgic of impromptu 12 a.m. McDonald drive-throughs for vanilla soft serve and fries, my best friend in the driver seat cranking "Irreplaceable" by Beyoncé on full blast, dignity and pride flying out the windows. I'm suspecting that even introverts are recognizing the need for more than their bed and a Netflix account.

According to the Harvard Health Publishing,

Social connections like these not only give us pleasure, they also influence our long-term health in ways every bit as powerful as adequate sleep, a good diet, and not smoking. Dozens of studies have shown that people who have social support from family, friends, and their community are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer.

The Instagram likes and tagged Facebook memes are surface level soothing mechanisms for our deeper desire for intimate connections. We yearn for meaningful, stable, in-the-flesh relationships that are more than a friendly chat with the cashier at Trader Joe’s. The need to fill our empty reservoir of face-to-face interactions is reflected in buzz-worthy images and common hardships: elderly couples safely divided by plastic wrap so they can hold hands, people sharing their struggles quarantining alone, and the gradual drift from friends and family after extended periods of social distancing.

With drawn-out time at home, stripped of the endless surge of outside commitments and pressure to constantly hustle, I decided to embrace this unique opportunity to re-prioritize my health and personal growth. As a Type Three Enneagram (The Achiever), I made goals to work out five times a week, eat mostly whole fruits and vegetables (except for the occasional pizza and ice cream for my mental health), take peaceful morning walks with my dog, stretch my lower back...etc. The list goes on and on.

I was doing everything I thought necessary for a happy and healthy life. Yet, there was a gentle nagging that I was still missing something. It wasn’t until I listened to The Science of Integrative Medicine by Dr. Bauer and learned about the four pillars of health (nutrition, exercise, stress-management, and social relationships) that I realized the missing puzzle piece: a vibrant social life and intimate friendships. The more time I spent away from my phone, the harder and harder it was to remain connected with my friends and loved ones, especially as someone who prefers in-person hangouts.

The Journal of Health and Social Behavior under the American Sociological Association revealed the drawbacks of having few social connections and the lack of meaningful relationships:

Several recent review articles provide consistent and compelling evidence linking a low quantity or quality of social ties with a host of conditions, including development and progression of cardiovascular disease, recurrent myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, autonomic dysregulation, high blood pressure, cancer and delayed cancer recovery, and slower wound healing. Poor quality and low quantity of social ties have also been associated with inflammatory biomarkers and impaired immune function, factors associated with adverse health outcomes and mortality.

This doesn’t just apply to young, social, extroverted college students. When I told my mom about the benefits of social ties and the risks linked with a lack of strong relationships, her eyebrows furrowed. She didn’t realize the steady decline in the quality and strength of her friendships and social circle. As a single mother, she sacrificed much of her personal time to take care of my brother and me. Over time, due to work and other obligations, she gradually drifted away from her college and childhood friends. I’m sure she's not the only parent, or even person, who's dealt with this.

Usually when we discuss health and wellness, we focus on our eating habits, weekly gym sessions, or hot yoga classes to release our tension and anxiety. But often, we fail to comprehend and recognize the profound influence of companionship on our well-being and how strong social connections can add happiness, meaning, and even longevity to our life.

So this is your reminder to call your best friend, schedule a video chat with your squad, or have a safe, socially distant picnic in the park (the perks of sunny L.A.). Make it your mission this week to spend some designated quality time with your family, or whoever you’re living with, without phones, the TV or any other distractions. And as you’re actively nurturing or re-establishing these meaningful relationships, you could even throw in the cheesy but sentimental saying, “Hey, thank you for making me a better person.”


Mallory Mosko
Mallory Mosko
May 01, 2021

You're right; this year has made us realize how meaningful social interactions are. Also, it has made me more grateful for those social interactions we have had, realizing I need to be living more in the moment from here on out. I am taking a Gerontology class right now, and I learned something similar to what you wrote about in your post. In one of the lectures, the professor mentioned how loneliness is just as dangerous as smoking cigarettes. It is not common knowledge to think that the people you surround yourself with or do not surround yourself with can significantly impact your physical health. I wish this was discussed in a more significant light because many people are uneducated…


Junru Wang
Junru Wang
Apr 19, 2021

Realizing how important meaningful social interactions are for one's overall health is definitely one of the benefits of the pandemic. After the pandemic hits, I slowly came to realize of this concept that there are things I do just to maintain my mental health. Chitchatting with a colleague, calling my mom and my best friend far in China, and eating ice cream even when I try to quit sugar are some important ones. Even before the pandemic, I found that cultivating meaningful relationship in university was as challenging, as everyone was always so busy, a proper lunch break with a couple classmates was luxury, let alone growing deep in each other's life. If more young people know the importance of…


Tatum Shane
Tatum Shane
Apr 16, 2021

Before the pandemic hit, I did not realize how vital social connection is to my well-being. Without interactions and feeling that you are loved by others, life can become very lonely and sorrowful. I feel blessed to have an incredible family and friends who have been my support system over the past year. However, I know that there are individuals across the world living alone and feeling helpless. Reading your post reminds me that it is critical to reach out to the people who have experienced the extreme lows of isolation. I am in a gerontology class this semester where we learn about the consequences of isolation on longevity. People that are well connected and have a network of support…


Carolyn Robbins
Carolyn Robbins
Apr 15, 2021

Jisu, what a lovely, and thoughtful post. I couldn’t agree more with you that we spend too much time focusing on what we eat and how much we work out; we forget about the other key ingredient to a happy life, friendship! Being in quarantine was hard for me. Even though I loved being with my family, hanging out with friends truly fulfills me differently. After a couple of months in quarantine with my family, I started to do social distant outdoor walks with my two best friends. Those short walks kept me sane during that dark time. During college, I lived with one other roommate in an apartment, and I was also able to live in the sorority house…


Acacia Gabriel
Acacia Gabriel
Mar 26, 2021

It's funny you bring up Enneagram because that's actually an obsession of mine. As a 2, I have a tendency to primarily focus on the needs of others before my own. This year forced me to confront a lot of underlying issues on that front, and the discomfort led to major growth. While I would not take back all of the changes and lessons of the last year, I would also never wish to relive the solitude or wish it on anyone around me. As an extreme extrovert, this last year truly forced me to find value in my alone time. That being said, I'm so excited to go back to being around my people and making up for lost…


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